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Showing 2 results for Myctophid
M. Rabbaniha, F. Saraji, Volume 23, Issue 1 (4-2014)
The fish larvae identification survey was carried out in Iranian waters of Oman Sea from Hormuz
strait to Gwader Bay in 2009 at pre and post monsoon periods. Sampling was done by plankton net
with 300 μ mesh size. Totally, 168 specimens were collected that belong to the three genera
Benthosema، Diaphus and Lampadena. Two species named Benthosema pterotum, B.fibulatum
were identified. B.pterotum has pigment on the tip of the lower jaw and snout whereas B
.fibulatum lacks these discriminative characters. Two genera Diaphus and Lampadena have a row
of melanophores in post-anal region ventrally which discriminate them from Benthosema. Diaphus
is separated from Lampadena with a small melanophore at the hypural.
A.r. Shaviklo, Y. Moradi, Volume 28, Issue 4 (11-2019)
In the last century, products such as fishmeal, fish oil, and silage, etc. have been used in animal feed. In the past few decades, our country has been importing fishmeal. Therefore, many efforts have been made to increase domestic production and to reduce the imports. Extensive studies have been conducted on the use of small mesoplagic (lanternfish) in the Oman Sea as a part of these efforts. The lanternfishes are untapped resources, which many researchers have been carried out about their application in human foods and animal feeds. Despite of the volume of investments made by the government, the slow development of the catching and processing of the lanternfishes in Iran has various reasons, including inadequate knowledge of this fish. This article, introduces this fish and its protein and fat properties by reviewing the latest research findings, and emphasizes the necessity of using it in animal feed and human food.