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:: Volume 19, Issue 2 (7-2010) ::
isfj 2010, 19(2): 67-76 Back to browse issues page
Reproduction and feeding biology of Madagascar Meager (Argyrosomus hololepidotus) from Khuzestan coastal waters
M Shekari , A Savari , J Ghofleh Maramazi , G Eskandari , M.T Ronagh , A.R Hashemi , K Darvish Bastami1 , M Sinaie , M.T Kashi
Abstract:   (8813 Views)

Biological attributes of Madagascar Meager (Argyrosomus  hololepidotus)  was  studied from October 2008 to September 2009 in coastal waters of K.huzestan province. Average maximum length was 128.4±7.50 in October and average minimum length was 104.86±12.47 in May. The maximum weight was 27500g, the minimum weight was 5700g and mean weight for males and females were 15.222±4.40 and 16.942±5.09, respectively.

Reproductive  studies  showed  that  peak  maturity  season  occurred  in July.  The  length­

weight relationship were calculated as W=0.042L 2 70 for males and W=0.06L2 61for females.
The male-female sex ratio was calculated as 1:1.07 and chi-square analysis showed no significant difference (P>0.05) between the two sexes. The average absolute and relative fecundity were estimated to be 4054045±37265 and 179.19±50.41, respectively Madagascar Meager is carnivore and we found the diet ofthe species consisted offish (75%), crustaceans (20%) and mollusks (5%). Analysis of monthly variation in the condition factor (Kn) indicated a fluctuation throughout the year, with a high level during May. Vacuity index indicated a higher feeding rate in males compared to females. We also found that the species continues feeding in the spawning season.
Keywords: Argyrosomus ho/olepidotus, Biological attributes, Persian Gulf
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: بيولوژي آبزيان
Received: 2016/11/19 | Accepted: 2016/11/19 | Published: 2016/11/19
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Shekari M, Savari A, Ghofleh Maramazi J, Eskandari G, Ronagh M, Hashemi A, et al . Reproduction and feeding biology of Madagascar Meager (Argyrosomus hololepidotus) from Khuzestan coastal waters . isfj 2010; 19 (2) :67-76
URL: http://isfj.ir/article-1-1698-en.html

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Volume 19, Issue 2 (7-2010) Back to browse issues page

با کسب مجوز از دفتر کمیسیون بررسی نشریات علمی وزارت علوم، تحقیات و فنآوری مجله علمی شیلات بصورت آنلاین می باشد و تعداد محدودی هم به چاپ می رساند. شماره شاپای جدید آن ISSN:2322-5998 است

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